Ashford Hemp Industries
We design and build hemp processing machines that enable individuals and communities to access the economic and environmental gains of growing, processing and utilising hemp materials to facilitate the increased demand for the many amazing hemp products available to us now, and in the future.
We are a family-based business that strives to create employment and achieve positive economic and social outcomes for our home community.

About us
After decades working for others and seeing the community we loved reducing in size and opportunity, we wanted to engage in a primary industry that was economically and environmentally sustainable. Leon, with many years experience operating diverse machinery types and managing a farm, teamed up with wife Connie, who added years of project and service management experience to the partnership.
Having a mutual interest in health and sustainability, once learning about the value and diversity of the hemp plant, we focused on enabling growth and development in the hemp industry. We were driven to develop a processing unit due to the lack of processing facilities available, that addressed the bottleneck in this potentially thriving industry.
With more than a decade of research, learning and development, we proudly use and market our Ashford Hemp Processor (AHP) that we have designed and built in their home town..
We are a family-based business that strives to create employment and achieve positive economic and social outcomes for our home community.
Our ultimate goal is to establish a business model that can be scaled and replicated to help enable communities around the world to engage in the opportunities provided by industrial hemp.
We employ local people with a high skillset, and partner with local businesses to provide sustainable and quality-controlled products that are deliverable across Australia and internationally.
Australian Hemp Industries is owned and operated by Leon and Connie Minos in Northern NSW, Australia

AHI is an Australian-owned and operated business.

Hemp increases:
Carbon uptake, nutrient return to soil and yield to hectare.

Global business:
Sustainable and quality-controlled products delivered globally.
Why grow hemp?
- Carbon uptake
- Nutrient return to soil
- Yield to hectare
- Active involvement in a fast growing Australian industry that addresses environmental, social, health and economic needs
- Herbicides
- Insecticides
- Water consumption
- Labour intensity
- Mineral deficiency of soil
- Unsustainable farming
- Time fields are locked up
Why support the Australian Hemp Industry?
- Sustainable farming
- Small business
- Sustainable communities
- Excellent products
- Research and development opportunities

Our goals
- Provide a viable and practical solution to processing hemp fibres to enable the growth of industrial hemp as a crop of choice for farmers
- Provide a consistent supply of hemp hurd to support the increasing hemp housing demand
- Provide a consistent supply of hemp fines and bast to enable research, development and industry growth in diverse hemp products within Australia
- Encourage sustainable practice and achieve positive environmental outcomes during the farming, processing and manufacturing stages of hemp production
- Maintain sustainable micro and macro business and employment opportunities for local, regional and national areas.
The Ashford Hemp Processor (AHP) is a purpose-built plant that chops and separates cured hemp stem into hurd, fines and bast.
- Consists of a hammermill, dust collector system, purpose-built trommel and bagging system
- Has various power options to meet the needs of customers
- Is secured and operational inside a modified 40’ shipping container
- Is capable of processing one large bale per hour
- Comes with a 5-year warranty, service support, Operational Manual and safety equipment
- Can be operated with one person to feed hemp in the hammermill and a second person to manage the bagging area
- Is priced and designed to maximise accessibility.

Photo: Connie (L) and Leon (R) with Andi Lucas (C) from X-Hemp, Tasmania taking ownership of his new Ashford Hemp Processor.
Who could use the AHP?
- Individual farming or business enterprises wanting to branch into viable, sustainable farming and manufacturing practices
- Individuals and communities wanting to create sustainable housing opportunities
- Rural remote individuals and businesses who through preference or necessity need to access building materials differing from that provided in the dominant housing market
- Entrepreneurs needing access to a variety of hemp fibres to develop new hemp products.
The AHP enables holistic enterprises to develop in communities all over Australia and overseas: “From the ground up” our consultancy services can advise on the cultivation, harvest, processing and packaging of hemp. With our networks, we can support you in housing development and marketing hemp products.

Hemp bales.

Hemp, ready for distribution.
Leon and Connie Minos